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GLT-05-25-2020-Vegas at GLT HQ

Get Lost Tours

On Purpose... For a Purpose

Let's Get Lost Together!


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Also... Just for the RV Community!​

Ready to change your world?  Experience the beauty and wonderment of the Big Bend in Terlingua, TX.  Enjoy the majestic mountainous terrain and learn about what makes Big Bend, Terlingua, and the Chihuahuan Desert.  GLT provides opportunities to explore, photograph,  and become immersed in its amazing atmosphere.  It was created to keep the tour experience personal.  The tours include interpretation of history, plants, animals, geology and more.  You can learn  a few light-weight desert skills and a little about Off Grid Living if you desire.  Or, a little 4x4 adventure if you like.  Most of all, they were designed for you.  Great for a single person, couple, or small family.

Being a local guide for over 22 years, sharing, teaching, and listening have always proven to serve well.  GLT has come up with a balance of Interp and EnjoymentIt combined with Learning and fun.  And always with respect and a gratitude that the people, wildlife, and the area deserve.  GLT shares with others a True Experience in the Chihuahuan Desert.

So, if your up for a little adventure, enjoyment, and learning...


Let's Get Lost Together!

On Purpose, For a Purpose.


Don't Worry... We'll bring you back,,,

just maybe a little changed.






"Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance"


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