My friend saved a duck...
which is not really what this edition is about. However, it is where it all starts. My friend told me this story on a day I wasnt doing particularly well.
You see, I am the one with great timing, who decided to start a business, mere days before they announced this whole #covid-19 #pandemic. So, as many of you know, it has been one heck-u-va ride, to say the least.
Anyway, my friend starts to tell me this story, which began with an 80 year old woman knocking on his door to ask for help concerning a #duck. The duck wasn't even hers. However, apparently, she believed that it mattered enough, and so did my friend. Because they spent the better part of a day (imagine the patience), saving this duck. He was cute, but look at the pic and notice the bowl of water and bread pieces. Definitely one #luckyduck, to have people care that much.
It actually goes deeper though. It started me thinking about something that came across my facebook page about #kindness and what a person's definition of kindness is. Well, I think this duck story, is not just a definition, it is a great example. Not to mention my friend taking the time to talk with me during a fairly depressing day, and pulling that duck story out to cheer me up.
There are a lot of good people out there, and I'm fortunate to be friends with some of them, and spend time with others I meet through #GetLostTours.
Till next time...
Gonna #keeponkeepingon and Gettin' Lost in #terlinguatx
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Dedicated to my buddy Bear